Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Senate Traitors Unmask Themselves

When I saw the bill called the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011 which has been put before our Congress, something hit me.

We are being governed by traitors.

Who else would even think of passing a bill declaring their own country a battlefield and its people ‘enemy combatants.”

Drafted by Communist Manchurian Candidate Senator John McCain and Jewish Talmudic Kabbalist Luciferian Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich) in secret (my my how political opposites work seamlessly together when it comes to the New World Order), forefront betrayer Senator Lidsay Graham (R-S.C.) and total traitor and liar Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.)

All the Congressmen responsible for the introduction or support of this bill should be expelled and physically ejected from Congress NOW as traitors to the nation.

The New World Order is coming about as all these TRAITORS betray and surrender us to its institutions.

And the traitors are everywhere, and have been infiltrating the governments of the world for the last century.

They have taken a long time (almost 100 years) to infiltrate our government (and those of the rest of the world) with immoral, corrupt, opportunistic, treacherous rats and now its payday for the Illuminati.

Sovereign governments are now governed by what amounts to glorified intelligence assets (Bush, Clinton and Obama included).

Government traitors in Libya and now Syria are surrendering those countries to the New World Order.

Just as in Russia, in 1917, the so-called ‘government’ stands idly by as terrorist thugs and murderers take the reins.

A real Russia, governed by a real government would have stopped and machine-gunned the ‘Sealed Train’ and all its contents as it pulled up to its first station.

Instead, Russia fell to Communism, and its inhabitants were massacred for the next 30 years.

So it will be with us if our government and our nation falls to these TRAITORS.

Never doubt that for a second, my friends.

If we fall, we die!

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